There are lots of ways to get involved with Doors Open YYC.

  1. Come! Participate! See as many sites as you can.
  2. Spread the word and chat with us online. Use hashtags #doyyc and #doyyc2022 on the social channels and we’ll connect.
  3. Sign up as a site. Open YOUR doors to Calgarians. See what sites do to make themselves memorable and start imagining you will wow Calgarians during Doors Open 2022.
  4. Volunteer.
  5. Be a board member, or a committee member.
  6. Be a sponsor.

If you’d like more information, email us at We’d love to tell you more.

Become a volunteer

Board and committee member positions available:

  • Fundraising and Sponsorship Chair
  • Marketing Committee Members
  • Sites & Programming Committee Members

Event support:

  • DOYYC Mobile Information Ambassadors (day-of)
  • DOYYC Photographers (day-of)

Open Your Doors

Doors Open YYC 2022 will build on the success of the past years, which showcased some of Calgary’s best arts and culture, sports and leisure, science and technology, and heritage buildings in all four quadrants of the city. With the support of more than 50 volunteers, the 41 sites in 2019 drew over 15,000 visits.

This is an ideal opportunity to help build civic pride and give visitors an insider’s peek on how your site contributes to Calgary’s ongoing story. If your site would like to participate in 2022, click on the button below.

Become a Sponsor

The Doors Open Calgary Association is operated by an all-volunteer board. We are dependent on contributions from the community to tell people about the event. We would love to have your contribution. We will recognize you on our website, social media and other marketing materials, but even more important, you will help Calgarians experience more about this fascinating city we call home. Email us at if you can help.